follow up
Every now and then, I run into interesting topics on the internet which want to follow up at a later point in tine. This page contains links to such topics.
Setting up unattended updates for my server. Implemented it, but it does not yet seem to work.
For the unattended updates, I was interested in getting notifications by mail and installed mailx, which according to the logs, seems to deliver the mail to the mailbox, but it is not arriving in my mail box. Alternatively SSMTP could be a solution. It has clear instructions on how to use Gmail as mail forwarder.
Somehow I got this error message
unknown error after kill: runc did not terminate sucessfully: container_linux.go:392: signaling init process caused "permission denied"
, fixed it after reading this question: AppArmor was blocking docker from shutting down my containers. Got it fixed by issuing commandsudo aa-remove-unknown
.I implemented a UI for a work project and want to present it as part of a PowerPoint presentation. So I captured the screen in a video and converted it to a small gif file using ffmpeg:
ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -vf "fps=10,scale=600:-1:flags=lanczos,split[s0][s1];[s0]palettegen[p];[s1][p]paletteuse" -loop 0 output.gif
where:- fps: frames per second
- scale: width in pixels, aspect ratio is maintained
- loop 0: run only once
Didn’t find this out myself, but used this answer on StackOverflow
July 5, 2020